Products I use to keep my feet soft and smooth

I'm a big lover of open-toed shoes, sandals, and high heels but they can definitely take a toll on your feet. I have been on the search for products to help my feet. These are three products that I love and have been using for awhile now. No more dry, scaly, rough feet.  

CVS Cracked Heel Balm
This is an amazing product. I noticed a difference in my feet in one use! I like to apply this right before bedtime. I just roll CVS Cracked Heel Balm all over my feet then put socks on. In the morning I wake up to soft feet. This product is incredible and can be purchased at CVS for $8.99.

Ped egg
I have been using the Ped egg for many years now. I have to admit when it first came out on tv, I didn't think it would work. I have tried so many "As seen on tv" products and MOST never worked. This is one of the few that definitely works. I like to use this after getting out of the shower when my feet are dry. I'm amazed at the shavings in the container after filing my feet. I purchased mine at Walmart for $9.99.

Mr. Pumice Pumi Bar
I love to use this while I'm in the shower. Once my feet are softened from the water, I will scrub my feet with this. It helps rid my feet of any dead skin. I love it and it is very cheap. I purchased mine from Sally's for $1.59!!

Have you tried any of these products?? What are your favorite foot care products??

**Disclaimer: this product was purchased by me, I was NOT paid to review this product. this was all on my own behalf**
  1. i need to get me one of those ped eggs lol... i'm curious about those "shavings" you mention haha

    1. They work really well. I love mine. You will be surprised at the "shavings". :)

  2. i need that pumice bar, great post

    thanks for visiting my blog, hope you return soon ;-)

    1. I love my mr. pumice bar and can't live without it. So cheap and works great!! I will definitely be returning to your blog. I enjoy your posts. :)
