Review: Sephora Classic Contour Blush/Bronzer Brush #43

Product name: Sephora Classic Contour Blush/Bronzer Brush #43
Purchased at: Sephora stores or
Product price: $36

Product claims: This brush buffs on blush and bronzer for a fully contoured finish. The flat, blunt edge picks up product very easily for extra accentuation. If you ever apply too much makeup, this brush is great for buffing off the excess.

Would I re-purchase? Yes.

Final thoughts: This is one of my favorite make up brushes. I like to use it to apply my foundation, powder, and blush. The bristles are soft and dense. It picks up colors well and feels super soft against my skin. The brush blends product very easily and gives a flawless look.  Aside from the price this brush is great and I would highly recommend it.

What is your favorite make up brush for applying foundation?? 
**Disclaimer: this product was purchased by me, I was NOT paid to review this product. this was all on my own behalf**
  1. This brush looks a little like the Sigma F80 brush! I cannot live without that brush! Its so amazing! this one looks great too! If your looking for a new brush Id rec. that one :) I want to try this now! lol xx

  2. Hey hun! Thanks for visiting my blog :)
    With regards to Eyeshadow brushes, you should definitely check out Japonesque! They are an amazing brush company with some amazing brushes! I have a review on my blog atm I think x

    1. Thanks for the recommendation hun. I will look into that brand. :)

  3. Sounds like a great brush, i'm surprised it's that expensive though.
    For foundation, i've been using my sephora sponge while waiting on the beauty blender. It gives me a flawless finish, just takes too much damn product.

    1. It really is a great brush. I hated the price but I use it in more than one way, so it was worth it. I have heard a lot of great things about the beauty blender. I'm thinking of ordering one for myself. :)

  4. thanks for the comment love! you're such a sweetheart <3 my current favorite lotion right now is ed hardy obnoxious! but i have a couple others i want to try before i say this is my favorite, i recently splurged and bought a few other bottles in hopes of finding a new favorite!

    1. You are so welcome hun. I haven't tried that lotion yet but I'm gonna get a sample and try it out. Let me know if the other lotions work out for you. I need anything that will help me get darker. :)

  5. If you're looking for this brush but a cheaper version, try going to They have one in their "Studio Line" for under $5. I have 2 of them and they are AMAZING. E.L.F. has great products for under $10. It's really worth checking out :) Just thought I'd help save some of you a couple of bucks :)

    1. Thanks for the recommendations hun. I have a few elf brushes but I'm really wanting to try something new. :)

  6. Great Review! I need to try this out.
    Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog.
    Now following you.

  7. thank you for this review ! getting old stinks...i NEED make up now...and need all the help i can get!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
    happy weekend!

    1. You are so welcome hun. Thanks for following me. :)

  8. hey darling, I responded to your brushes question on my blog not realizing that you may not get the comments update. I swear by Sonia Kashuk brushes from Target and I also really like Sigma and Coastal Scents. If you'd like some recommendations of individual items, e-mail me (maryammaquillage at gmail), I'll send you some links :))

    1. Thanks hun. I'm gonna email you in a few minutes. :) I really need some new brushes. :)

  9. i'm so sad we havent go a sephora here, i'd love to try out one of these. but good you're happy with this contour brush <33


    1. That stinks you don't have a Sephora. :( You could always buy online though. :)

  10. I love your BLOG! THank you for following mine! I hope I can figure these things out! My favorite foundation brush is the Big Tarte Foundation brush with my MUFE HD. You can see it on all my Youtube videos!

    1. You are so welcome hun. It took me awhile to get things figured out but give it some time and you will. :)
